Our eyes as you see the...


Monday 2 January 2012

A very Thai New Year...

After nine days in the relaxing and homely surroundings of Baan rao. We were once again packing our bags in preparation to move on. Only difference being that this time we would only be moving to the next bay along, Klong kong, rather than hundreds of miles. We would have stayed at the truly special Baan Rao but unfortunately they were fully booked for the new year period but in the end it all worked out beautifully.

The previous days had been spent, in large parts due to the great weather, sat firmly on the beach. We decided a few days ago to try out Klong Nin, another beach further south, we would not be disappointed. Although we've been travelling for nearly four months it has taken up until now, in the ethereal surroundings of koh lanta, to truly feel at ease with our surroundings. For sure, we've had an incredible time so far on our trip wherever we have been, but being here for nearly two weeks now has cemented some firm friendships not to mention the mental reinvigoration that I think we were so looking forward to. It's a strange burden really, to personally feel as though you are carrying the weight of say, a toolbox, around in your head, it just gets so tiresome. For Shell, the stresses of modern teaching now seem a world away aand we can really start to relax.

Ofcourse, we both have to put this in a little context, we are on a Thai island afterall, but it feels in a lot of ways that our lives have been pretty much on hold for the past few years, creatively blocked by the need to save and sacrifice. I understand, in fact its pretty much guaranteed isn't it, that we will have to spend a large part of our lives saving in the future, but surely never to the extent as what we did to earn this. I'm not moaning here, as every sacrifice has been rewarded tenfold by the experience of this trip but the two years we spent saving, was a tad mentally draining.

So it is here, amongst new friends, new favourite bars and cafes and a profound new sense of optimism that we have felt that mental rejuvenation start to take shape. What were once hopes, ambitions and plans tinged with negativity now become tinged with positivity. For example, for years you have seen life and all it has to offer travelling in one straight, narrow line, everything linear in reality and ambition. This will happen at this point, then this will happen here because we are at this age now and so on and so forth...

Now, for the time being anyway, that narrow path has become a broad spectrum of possibility, a refreshing feeling that despite societal pressure and personal expectation, you can do anything and be anything you want to be. Now I know this is our blog, our travel blog, and your probably reading through this thinking 'what the hell does this have to do with koh lanta?', but I think this is important to understand as we worked hard to make this trip happen. For both of us, this trip is making our brains think and do good things, I hope you are pleased.

Anyway, after a few days putting the world and our lives into perspective, we glided into new years eve. Now for shell, bless her, Christmas was hard, it was always going to be. For me, new years eve was going to be my big test. After spending the past five years in European cities with our best friends, the fact we weren't going to be there made me sad, I hate missing out. I know we can't really complain but NYE has always and will continue to be my favourite night of the year and spending it with your best friends is phenomenal. This year though, would come a very close second.

After reading reports of a big storm heading our way right for NYE night, we were expecting a bit of a washout. Like everything we've experienced in Asia so far though, it turned up late.

We started the evening back at Baan Rao, eating some amazing homecooked Thai food and barbecued chicken cooked by the seriously impressive Chai. After a few hours and a few beers later, myself, shell, Klara and Andreas, our Swedish friends, went down to the beach to join in the beach parties. The sight of hundreds of fireworks and literally thousands of lanterns over the sea was a perfect spectacle to bring 2011 to a close. Shell's lantern, which was still in her hand as we approached midnight, slowly made it's way skyward, somehow, and I mean somehow, missing the fireworks by a matter of inches. It was like watching missiles being launched against a blimp, on the Gaza strip. We also, after spending around £8, managed to purchase quite possibly the worlds worst sparkling wine. Wine that tasted as if it had been produced using dead rats.

It was a great night and even better that we could spend it with Andreas and Klara, a truly fantastic couple that I am certain we will be visiting in Stockholm in the not too distant future.

So there you have it, 2011 was a great year, one that couldn't come soon enough. We saved like madmen, quit jobs, moved out of a great flat, got engaged and flew to the otherside of the world in search of great experiences. 2012 has a lot to live up to.....

Peace and love for 2012, Tommo and shellface xxx

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