Our eyes as you see the...


Saturday 7 January 2012

Camping on a Koh Rok paradise...

Back on lanta, we returned the motorbike after a 14 day loan (I will miss my baby) and then went in search of accommodation in readiness for our return from our camping trip, which we would be leaving for the next day. We managed to book a rickety old beach bungalow down by Klong kong beach which would be much cheaper than our current digs, we would later find out why.

The next morning we were picked up and driven down to Kantiang bay where we boarded a good sized, private boat that would take us over to Koh Rok, a very small, uninhabited island to camp for the night. After wondering around phi phi yesterday slightly open-jawed at the lack of space, the prospect of a night on an island with only seven other people got us excited. The rest of the group was made up of fantastic people. An english couple from Gloucester, an Italian couple who run an ice-cream parlour and a finish couple who had been reunited via Facebook after being apart for 30 years, great story.

After a very choppy two hour crossing over to the island (dad, you may have acted like a dog who refuses to go for a walk and steadfastly sat on the sand), we arrived at an island you could only dream about, it was truly truly stunning. The most amazing beach we have ever seen, all with virtually no one around, bliss.

The day was spent, after a seafood lunch onboard, snorkelling amongst the crystal clear waters, each time better than the last. It was truly astonishing, due simply to the amount and variety of fish and coral. We did some good snorkelling on the Gili Islands, months ago, but this would top it, tenfold.

After a day in the water it was time to set up camp. Our tent, which was miraculously set up before we got there was, metaphorically speaking, the runt of the tent litter. Nevermind we thought, it's just one night! If lack of sleep wouldn't kill us the monitor lizards may! They were truly huge, about as long as a bicycle and as wide as a large tree trunk. Lets just hope the plastic tent material saves us from the dinosaur!
After throwing our bags inside we made a beeline for the hammocks that were next to the gently lapping sea. It was, in every way, like a scene from Robinson Crusoe. The hammocks meanwhile had both the look and feel of cheese wire, just to make sure you are snapped right back to reality if you dare to become immersed in your surroundings too much. Still, the seafood barbecue was truly immense. Freshly caught tuna and chicken massaman, enough for twenty people, meant that we were suitably nourished after a long day snorkelling! After dinner, we all sat around drinking Changs and sharing Thai rum before heading to the beach to light a fire and look at the stars, before making our way, in the dark, to our tents to try to sleep, even though it was around 30 degrees!

Although the island, in fact the whole trip was one of our trip highlights, this would be, quite possibly, our worst ever nights sleep. You hear a lot of people talk about bad nights sleep but I want to put this forward as our vote. It was so hot it made our bodies stick to the roll mat which meant that to counter the sweat we would have to don at least a t-shirt, which meant becoming even hotter. Added to this was invading ants the size of micro-machines, which, as we inspect a day later, seemed to have loved the taste of shells legs. Who wouldn't.

Still, the sight at 6am as we unzipped the tent will stay with us forever. Being only a few feet from the sea meant that we had an unobstructed view of the most amazing, clear sunrise over the emerald sea in front of us. I read these things back sometimes in fear of it sounding either like I am exaggerating or being too gushy. I can safely say that I am doing neither, it was that good.

After eating breakfast at 7am we were soon back on the boat and heading towards three more sites for more snorkelling adventures. Like yesterday's before it, as time progressed the sites got even better. Although, as we were the first boat on the island, we caught a very rare glimpse of a sea turtle, such a great sight. For around five hours we dived down into subtropical underworlds, underlining the fact that beneath the sea their is indeed a completely different world, just waiting to be explored. You can see why people who have recently gained their diving certificates, go on about it so much. You can see why it would become addictive.

So there we are then, after yet more fresh seafood cooked onboard by a Thai bloke with both the biggest, wildest hair and the widest smile, we were on our way back to the relative civilisation of Koh Lanta. The journey back went by quick enough, people scattered in a tired heep all around the boat. Some inside, some on the roof and some, like me, hanging off the side, trying to dangle feet in the water. Although wearing suncream, nothing could fight away both the heat and the strong sun, meaning a night spent in increasingly dizzy stages after way too much UV exposure!

For our last night on this amazing island we sorted our tickets for tomorrows all-day trip over to the east coast and Koh Samui. We actually sorted both travel and accommodation out in record time so decided to reward ourselves with a drink underneath arguably the most stunning sunset yet, due to the clear skies above. What a way to spend our last night not only on Lanta but our last night on Thailands andaman coast, we have been here a month!

So next up, the east and the triumvirate of Koh Samui, Phangan and Tao. We have eleven days now till our current visa runs out so will tour the east then make our way up to Bangkok for a final Thai hurrah amongst the chaos of another Asian metropolis.

We've (I've), banged on about koh lanta now for weeks but I cannot think of a place in the world that has had such a pull on me. Shell and I completely fell for the island and I encourage any of you who are thinking of taking a Thai holiday to give Phuket and Phi Phi a miss and stay on the boat for another couple of hours. You will not regret it...

Much love my lovelies, Tommo and shellface xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Sounds like a great trip! I'm going the end of Feb. Can you give me any advice about getting from Koh Lanta to Koh Rok? Which company and about how much it costs to get there? Also did you rent tents from the park ranger? What is the cost for that? I'm really excited to go but just trying to budget it all.

    Thanks for the great info!
