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Sunday 14 August 2011

Trailwalkers complete!

One of the big milestones came and went last weekend with the passing of the behemoth which was Trailwalkers. Without goingn into too much detail, as I have already written a book sized diary entry http://www.facebook.com/tomas.walters#!/notes/tommo-walters/trailwalkers-journal-2011/10150236116775914 , it was astonishingly hard. Walking 100km is hard enough but when you throw biblical rain, gale-force wind and mud of quagmire proportions into the equation it becomes so much more than the ‘epic’ event it is marketed to be. All I can say is that the continous thoughts and prospect of a year away definitely helped but then it always helps!

In other news, the ‘t0-do’ list is definitely reducing in content! In the past few days we have been able to tick off;

Buying travel insurance (£476 from Travel-Nation)

Opening joint account (da da duuum, life changes in an instant!)

Applying for credit cards

Booked first two night’s accomodation!

We also got the 16-odd passport photos doneand have all the Chinese Visa documents ready to send. The only thing we really need to do now is save up the last and most crucial amount of money and iron out some of the finer details…… Wow, only 44 days remaining. I cannot believe that after all this time it is nearly upon us. For Shell, only 2 days remain until she reaches the ethereal moment of knowing a year-long sabbatical is upon her. God we are lucky.

Alas the countdown continues but the next few weeks things get extremely busy in the sense that we will try to squeeze in as much time with freinds and family as we possibly can before the departure date. First, next weekend brings the inaugral trip to Cheshire for Shell’s mum’s birthday and a Sunday evening spent in Tatton Park listening to the screams of middle-aged, middle-class Tom Jones fans as they live out a lifelong fantasy of throwing their Sunday-best knickers in the leathery Welshman’s direction…can’t wait. Tommo x

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